
Kobe Bryant

  I already knew I was doing Kobe for this project he's my all time favorite player and one of if not my favorite celebrities. He's also my birthday twin so that's another plus.


  This a picture of me behind a waterfall background that I really adore. This is pose is part of my ritual of me undergoing training.


  I did a project on a cat so I decided that its only fair to do a project on a dog. My neighbor's dog Bubbles inspired me for this project cause he was like my best friend when I had got out of school and what had made him unique was that he had a deformed ear.

Christmas Kitty

For the exquisite corpse I had did the cat cause my sister is absolutely scared of cats so I wanted to show her my final product and I decided to do a Christmas color theme for the holidays.


 Phantom Stingray is a premium fashion store that zaps the prices to the lowest you have ever seen, that's where the black color comes in from indicating an every day Black Friday sale. The shock on the customers faces resembles the fabulous clothes that they witness for cheap, instead of having a sting on their wallets.

Html illustration 1

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